In 2013, under the leadership of Worthy Matron Marcheria Jessie, we implemented the Star of the Year Award! This prestigious award was established to honor members who go above and beyond the call of duty in the name of the Order of Eastern Star. These members exemplify of an upright Sister of the Order of the Eastern Star and serves as a role model for all. She truly emanates lessons taught by the Five Heroines of our Order.
2013: Sis. Arnese Foster, PM
2014: Sis. Kelly Stevenson
2015: Sis. Phoebe Boyd
2016: Sis. Tamika Bryant
2017: Sis. Ora Curry
2018: Sis. Felicia Carreker
2019: Sis. Nekole Williams
2020: Sis. Shaughna Robinson
2021: Sis. Cynthia Bennett
2022: Sis. Tesha Lowrey
2023: Sis. Sheila Harris
2024: Sis. Eleasa Smith